Finally I started migrating my personal blog
to hugo
, away from Bitcron
, which I’m afraid is probably no longer a great choice for blog hosting, after writing 107 posts there for 6 years (2014-2020).
More freedom, less stucking
I have already experimented with hugo
for a while and have created a new blog this week, and will migrate all stuff from Bitcron in the near future.
There are several reasons behind the decision:
is pretty much faster thanBitcron/FarBox
within Chinahugo
is much more customizable than an automatic engine- git-based-repository holds revision history intrinsically, and probably preserves more reliability and integrity than Dropbox file syncing
No More ‘504 Gateway Time-out’
The last thing kicked me away from Bitcron/Farbox is, intermittent 504, which is said “to be fixed when there is a fix”.
This is terrible.
I’m afraid Haipo no longer has much enthusiasm in this project. Though I’m willing to pay a bit more than I did for a stable service, it probably doesn’t yield enough revenue to keep it self worth maintaining any more.
The migration period
- There might be a few months ahead to complete the migration process.
- I will post on both sides before everything is settled here.
(2021.01) 情况更新
去年 10 月,我开始将我的 blog 从 Bitcron 迁移到一个更合适的地方。现在技术上的迁移已经完成,老的文章日后有机会再逐渐同步过来。
- 新的 Blog 仍然通过这里访问:
- 底层是 Hugo 生成的静态页面,方便定制,速度和稳定性也较以前大为提高。
(2021.09) 再次更新
- 我开始使用 Netlify 托管整个网站的部署和访问(自动化程度大大提高)